May 13, 1973 Sunday Post-Crescent, Appletown-Neenah-Menoshah. Wis. Q-12

Zippies cool to Rennie after trip to India

NEW YORK (AP) - An organizer of vocal antiwar protests in the last few years, Rennie Davis is now spreading what he terms “the most staggering and powerful message in the history of this planet.”

Davis, 32, whose conviction on charges of crossing state lines to incite a riot at the 1968 Democratic convention was overturned last November, says eight days of spiritual exploration and meditation in India this year produced inside him a "deep intense light.”

Davis told about 1,000 young persons here Friday night that 15-year-old Guru Maharaj Ji was one of history's few "Perfect Masters."

Several Zippies and young Marxists in the audience jeered, "What's your game, Rennie?" and, "the guru sucks the blood of the Indian people."

Referring to his "instant peace of mind," Davis told an interviewer that “they figure either I've lost my marbles or that I'm working for the CIA."