Tues., Sept 4, 1973 GREELEY (Colo.) TRIBUNE, 7

Guru Maharaj Ji has ulcer

Associated Press Writer
DENVER (AP) - Guru Maharaj Ji returned to his office at the national headquarters of the Divine Light Mission here Monday following his discharge the previous day from St. Luke's hospital.

Dr. John Horton, his personal physician, said the 15-year-old "Perfect Master" from India was suffering from a mild intestinal ulcer.

The guru was hospitalized Thursday for tests to determine the cause of what was described as intense abdominal pain. Horton said that pain may have been from a gall bladder attack.

At the mission's headquarters in the Kittredge Building, the guru met with various of his followers. He claims a world wide following of 6 million persons.

He also toured the building's 11th floor, where four months of renovation were being completed. lie soon will move into a corner officer there, with a view of both commercial enterprises and the Rocky Mountains.

As is his custom, the guru wore a smartly fashioned business suit and necktie.

Talking to some of the 120 mission staffers in the building, the guru betrayed no signs of the illness which hospitalized him and which had curtailed sharply his nationwide tour.

Horton said the guru's body had become weakened by the pace of leading the movement and because of irregular eating and sleeping habits due to continual travel.

The guru's body showed the stresses of a middle-aged executive, Horton said.

But Robert Mishler, the mission's executive director, noted Guru Maharaj Ji also has the recuperative powers of a 15- year-old body and said he was confident the guru would resume his national tour with appearances on the west coast in two to four weeks.