Notes on People

Scolding the 17-year-old Guru Maharaj Ji and Bal Bhagwan Ji, his 24-year-old brother and rival, a red turbaned New Delhi judge told thern yesterday that their dispute over who is "perfect master" of the Divine Light Mission must be settled out of court. Their mother had renounced Maharaj Ji as guru of the sect, accusing him of a "playboy" lifestyle since he went to the United States in 1973. Continued litigation, the judge said, would mean that "the whole of Mother India is injured and maligned abroad." The two withdrew their mutual defamation suits but no agreement seemed near.

"Certain people around Maharaj Ji won't let us see him," said Bhagwan Ji, pointing to Robert Mishler, president of the Divine Light Mission in the United States. Mr. Mishler said that the guru might return to this country in two weeks after a stopover in Tokyo.

Copyright The New York Times
Originally published May 24, 1975