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Elan Vital

Here is a copy of the 'safety checklist' reg video events.

1/ Building approach and Perimeter:

Check all walkways and approaches to the venue for safety and trip hazards. Check for general tidiness and cleanliness of approach. (smokers can cause fire hazard).

2. Lobby / Sales and information areas:

Check fire escape/exit doors are open, clear and free from obstruction.
Check whole area and all walkways are free from hazards.
Check for overhead hazards, e.g. tools left overhead.
Check that any lighting is not heating any exhibition items dangerously.
Check that there is no build up of rubbish or combustible materials in the area.
Check that any panelling or temporary structures are secure and free from hazard.
Ensure there are no trip or electrical hazards in the area.

3. Hall:

Check fire escape/exit doors are open, clear and free from obstruction Check whole area and all walkways are free from hazards Look for any obstructions likely to cause a problem to people entering Hall, including uneven floor surface, camera positions etc. . Check for overhead hazards, e.g. tools left overhead. Look for hazards in seating area, including broken seats. Check that all cables are secure and do not cause a tripping hazard. Check placement of appropriate fire extinguishers.

4. Stage

a) Check stage for structural integrity.
b) Look under stage for hazards including combustible materials.
c) Ensure stairs and carpets are secure.
d) Ensure stage construction is secure.
e) Check for visual aids on floor e.g. luminous tape etc.
f) Check all overhead structures, including screen, video projectors etc.

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