Re: The Yoof only Event
Re: Re: The Yoof only Event -- Loaf Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: PatW ®
02/04/2003, 21:27:18

Thanks to everyone who has posted these supportive responses. I have had several phone calls from people today too. I guess you people can relate.

Loaf and others have written some very good stuff in this thread IMHO.

Has it occurred to you that your friend might be annoyed because the thought and communications Police of Elan Vital have descended upon him like a ton of bricks ?

Hi Loaf , I am trying to catch up on work now so I can't post too much more about this for a while.

But anyway, yes that had occurred to me. I would have liked to have known the party line reaction.

I don't imagine that my friend would have been 'ticked off' though since it seems that the current 'enrolment' campaign actually does have some desire to separate the young from the old in these meetings, albeit with their own justification. Maybe somebody did have a word with him - that would be funny.

I see my friend as quite a loose cannon. I am always telling him that the way he talks about Knowledge and Rawat would actually not sit well with the powers that be and I ask him how he feels about that. It clearly suits some people to have their own 'individual' perspective and to not get too committed or involved with the beaurocracy. When they do, they get burned because they see that the mess comes from the top down.

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