Re: Shifting Allegiances
Re: Shifting Allegiances -- PatW Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: Mark A ®
02/09/2003, 00:40:36


I was amazed (jawdroppingly so) that on two separate occasions over the last 2 years still active followers of Maharaji - who  would have said to anyone that they were  a "best friend" of mine - my 10 years business partner in one case, and a 20 year near brother the another - literally left the public venue they were in to avoid having to have contact with me.

Being on the receiving end of this type of behavior, brought a genuine sense of concern for these two. The moral bankruptcy - which is the real hidden cost of being a follower of Maharaji - became apparent to me in a flash. The cost of commercing in the belief system of maharaji ,and obtaining its benefits,  requires a selling of some essential dignity better suited to a Tolkien novel or "The Devil & Daniel Webster" than our real 21st century life. But it happens. & to some pretty high quality human beings. Any belief system reqires allegiance, and obviously your exfriends and mine are getting their bread buttered up the road!

And the fact that these two fine and wonderful friends of mine were forced to behave in such a fashion in order to preserve - something I guess - made me say "there but for the grace of god" go I , and move on. We all dwell in our self chosen reality. This is a friendly compassionate interactive and supportive universe, if we choose our spots. Patrick, it looks like you're up for a new batch of friends!




Modified by Mark A at Sun, Feb 09, 2003, 00:45:23

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