Re: What were the basic myths promoted by pr?
Re: What were the basic myths promoted by pr? -- La-ex Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: rgj ®
03/10/2003, 11:19:17


What I recall is that the whole list you mention is wrapped up in a basically Hindu cosmology:

God is a (passive) ocean of energy/bliss/love/consciousness.

A spark of that energy is our life force/soul/true self.

The purpose of life is to realize our true identity/self.

If you fail, you will be reborn, experience the karmic results of your past actions and, if you are lucky, get a chance to meet a master.

The way to attain enlightenment is to be shown the inner self/soul by a/the enlightened master.

Even after recieving the gift, there will be attachments to the world/identity/concepts etc. 

The living master is there to give us guidance as to how best to go beyond our limitations.  In this Yuga, that basically means service, satsang, mediation and darshan.

Devotees should spend ALL their time engaged in those activities.

What I would like to know is, if all the Hindu stuff has now been rejected, what has taken its place?  I can understand the trivial stuff like arti and the bhole shis being abandoned, and even repackaging K as a series of techniques with numbers.

But what does the thoroughly modern premie/practitioner today actually a) believe, and b) do?



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